

Non-Sequiturs: 04.24.15

*Yeah, this happened in real life, not in a Philip K. Dick short story. [Time] *Oh burn! Cornel West responds (indirectly) to biting New Republic article. [The Root] *Justice for sale in Texas? Sounds about right. [KCBD] *Allegations of overbilling in Deepwater Horizon litigation. And -- this may be a shock to some of our readers -- turns out many of the firms involved made generous political contributions to the LA AG. [Louisiana Record] *Eliminating salary negotiations to combat the wage gap? Who knew Biglaw's lockstep approach to money would turn out to be progressive? [NPR] *Columbia University's rape problems deepen with new lawsuit about Emma Sulkowicz and her mattress "Carry that Weight" performance art. [Jezebel] *Update in the Alan Dershowitz sex case. Now with 100% more David Boies. [American Lawyer] *Attention New York: Prepare to swipe right. AG Eric Schneiderman is once again a bachelor. [Law and More] *Idaho refuses to come in line with multinational treaty obligations. . . yay federalism? [Dorf on Law]

2nd Circuit

Non-Sequiturs: 06.09.14

* Jury duty is the only major civic duty that no one ever talks about. Professor Andrew Ferguson would like to change that by encouraging jurors to speak up about their experience. Enjoy learning how the sausage of justice is made! [Huffington Post] * Verizon threatens to sue Netflix for honestly reporting how bad Verizon’s […]

Alex Kozinski

Non-Sequiturs: 06.25.13

* A company is selling pork-laced bullets to “keep Islamics from going to Heaven.” Ever since Denny’s, they’re putting bacon in everything… [CBS Seattle] * Justice Thomas is really terrible. This is probably why #UncleThomas is trending on Twitter. [Jezebel] * A feminist critique of law reviews based on the Russell Crowe film, Gladiator. This sounds intriguing. [TaxProf Blog] * If you wanted to know how the judge decided the audio expert issue in the Zimmerman trial, we’ve got you covered. If you wanted to know when attorney Don West will compile his collection of Greatest Opening Statement Jokes, we have no idea. [The Expert Institute] * TNT has a new show dropping teams in Tasmania and forcing them to endure… a knockoff of The Amazing Race and Survivor. But an L.A.-based attorney is on this Friday trying to win $100,000, or what we used to call “a year-end bonus.” [TNT Newsroom] * Ken White breaks down all the charges against Edward Snowden. To avoid these charges, Snowden is holed up in the transit zone of the Moscow airport, which I hear has a really terrible TGI Friday’s where Snowden will get to eat for the indefinite future. [Popehat] * Anonymous Partner isn’t the only one with advice for summer associates. Here are tips from Grover Cleveland, author of Swimming Lessons for Baby Sharks (affiliate link), and Katherine Larkin-Wong, president of Ms. JD. [The Careerist] * Chief Judge Alex Kozinski and Professor Nicholas Quinn Rosenkranz debate an upcoming Supreme Court case, Bond v. United States, concerning the treaty power. [Cato Institute]